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Beatmap Listing » KOTOKO - jihad

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Artist: KOTOKO Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: jihad HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: samipale Accuracy:
Length: 1:53
Source: BALDR SKY Dive2 RECORDARE Genre: VideoGame (Japanese) BPM: 180
Feb 18, 2010
May 01, 2010
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
Finally I decide to do it...and...give up Very Hard also because i still can't master mapping blue tick/insane diff...if you want to play Very Hard,please open HardRock,SuddenDeath,DoubleTime,Hidden,Flashlight(i go to die

video converted by [Ghost],thank you~
And thank NatsumeRin(give me guest diff and hitsound help),climbb65588 and aesopl19193(give me guest diff,too.Forgive me lazy mapper,a map of 3 guest diff...)
Special thanks,thorlee and eric5647,who encourged me so that I can finish this map~

02.25 remap Hard from 00:11:410 to 00:21:743
03.24 remap some place,next time set placement
03.25 set placement of Hard,add tentacle taiko
03.26 begin to map Normal
03.28 set hitsound of hard ,increase OA,normal set notes
03.29 add Climbb's DIF,and make the tags and source the same as cyborg's map,begin to map Very Hard
03.30 give up Very Hard
03.31 add aesopl's Easy,move to pending
04.01 oops add Normal, and fix sth, it's not joking
04.02 soulfear's mod
04.05 VanMoNky's mod and H-boy's mod ,and fix some problem
04.06 Shulin's mod
04.07 Shinxyn's mod
04.08 Leorda's mod and NoHItter's mod
04.18 Starrodkirby86's mod
Thank you all!
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