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Beatmap Listing » MiddleIsland - Achromat

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Artist: MiddleIsland Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Achromat HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: iJinjin Accuracy:
Length: 2:50
Source: Genre: Classical (Instrumental) BPM: 165
Jul 26, 2014
Jul 07, 2015
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
My first Ranked Mapset

*Fullerene's 4K GD is filled with LOTs of SVs, Jackhammers, and hard-to-execute bursts. You have been warned.* (It's harder than Tristan97's 4K White Another)


4K Easy (For osu!mania newcomers!)
4K Normal (A fairly easy 4K mapset, but still challenging to beginner 4K players as it contains some short streams!)
4K Hard (This is the middle ground. Test your basic stream skills with this difficulty!)
Tidek's 4K Insane [GD] (Some short chordbursts and streams for those who are looking for a 4K difficulty harder than Hard)
Fullerene-'s 4K Another [GD] (Do NOT let the star rating fool you. Some nasty mini jacks and sv changes are on your way for some challenge!)
Tristan97's 4K White Another [GD] (A difficult 4K mapset that tests your jackhammer skills and jumpstreams)
7K Easy (For players who just started playing 7K)
7K Normal (7K beginners should be able to play this after some practice)
7K Hard (This is the difficulty for those who have some good experience with 7K)
Blocko's 7K Insane [GD] (Think you are decent at 7K but not yet at the level to tackle 7K Another? This difficulty should just be right for you!)
7K Another (Challenge your fingers with this difficulty. Includes chordbursts, jackhammers and lots of stairs)
7K Black Another (Think you can survive the endless streams of piano and heavy drum chords? You've come to the right place!)

Download Zenx's 7K difficulty here!

Special Thanks
Modders: IamBaum, ArcherLove, AJIekceu, KawaEE, hutunohito, [Shana Lesus], Harbyter, ShikiNoHollow, -Kamikaze-, Danielslz9, arviejhay, lzenxl, Icing_wind, DE-CADE, Lunatic Raccoon, Kruzon, chikitani, Sky_Demon, ExUsagi, iJinjin (yes I mod my own maps ._.), Blocko (BIG THANKS for modding all diffs! <3), __M A S__, ruberusu, _S u w a k o_, Yuutosan, playin14, 17VA, Marirose, REDYUMiKA, pporse, [AyanoTatemaya], Ichigaki
Testers: Tristan97, SquishyKorean, thekoreankid231, Blocko, Nivrad00, Xleonq, Kim_GodSSI, ExPew, __M A S__, PROGUY, BrainPeeler, Ez2dj_7144, _S u w a k o_, F1rstlove, arcwinolivirus, [ SaintEyes ], Starry-
Guest Mappers: Tristan97, Tidek, Fullerene-. Blocko, lZenxl -In the description
Kudosu Stars: Tristan97, Blocko, ExPew, PROGUY, __M A S__, iJXL, Mwalls Ho, Marirose, REDYUMiKA, Jepetski, Starry-. nabnab, .[ C r a c k ], Kyousuke-
Hitsound guide & help: LordRaika
That one person who urges me to get it ranked: Amy
And all of you that support this beatmap! :)
No records have been set for this game mode yet!