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Beatmap Listing » UNDEAD CORPORATION - The Empress scream off ver

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Title: The Empress scream off ver HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: TheZiemniax Accuracy:
Length: 2:13
Source: 東方Project Genre: VideoGame (English) BPM: 270
May 21, 2015
Sep 08, 2015
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total

4K MWC 2015 Finals Mappool <3
My first 4K mapset!
Status: Ranked!
Jepetski's EZ - 4 mods
NM - 7 mods
HD - 7 mods
MX - 8 mods
SC - 6 mods
Zenx' SHD - <actually minor modding was done>
Jepetski's Empress - 7 mods

Jepetski's EZ: For the beginners, easy!
NM: Just a casual diff :)
HD: It gets a little harder! Some streams!
MX: A test of skills, be prepared! Full of hammers and some bursts!
SC: A special, indexable diff that can be played on arrow keys. It has different and very special patterns that other diffs, suitable for both spread and index! Play at your own risk and don't look at the star rating! Full of 270bpm streams!
Zenx' SHD: Really hard map for the 4k professionals! Contains fast jumpstreams!
Jepetski's Empress: Only for the best 4k players! A true challenge! Full of dense jumpstreams!

Special thanks to :
LordRaika for bubble!
Blocko for heart! (I love you ET man!)
ExUsagi for rebubble!
Blocko for requalify! (Again love <3)
Jepetski for the background as well as for his EZ and Empress diff!
Zenx for his SHD diff!
Kami for thoroughly checking the metadata!
Eze for his deep SC and Empress mods!
snover for his great Empress modding! (Yarr anchors!)
Everyone who favourited and modded this map!
Also, I took the cut version of the song from B. Uchima (Spooty Biscuit), thanks :>

Note for QAT:
Easier diffs are made with more insist on drum-normal for chorus. Harder diffs rely more on drum-finish, with drum-normal for ending accents.
All drum-normals are intentional.
SC patterns are sometimes easier than MX, this is because SC has to be indexable. Index is a style where you can play the song on arrow keys with only two fingers. Because of that, SC has patterns which make it possible - very small amount of chords (no 3-chords) and special stream patterning. It is all intentional, and plays good with normal style as well.
MX beginning was made easier just to keep the difficulty same as SC.
No records have been set for this game mode yet!