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Beatmap Listing » Hatsune Miku - Gigantic Girl

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Artist: Hatsune Miku Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Gigantic Girl HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Krisom Accuracy:
Length: 3:28
Source: 40mP Genre: Pop (Japanese) BPM: 135
Nov 28, 2010
Dec 29, 2010
Average Rating: 10.0 Favourited 0 times in total
If miku were gigantic with such a short skirt, I'd be glad to be tiny when she's around =w=

This is amied for an "Easy" mapset, so don't expect anything finger-breaking in this song!!!

as always, I'm using Safe_osu's hitsplashes and ztrot's circle overlay, so, thank them
zverhome is in the lead! (1 year ago)
Score 454,508 (88.47%)
Max Combo 219
300 / 100 / 50 529 / 55 / 0
Misses 45
Geki (Elite Beat!) 0
Katu (Beat!) 0
Mods None

Top 50 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 B 454,508 88.47% zverhome 219 35 529 / 55 / 0 0 0 45 None