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Beatmap Listing » Morimori Atsushi - PUPA

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Artist: Morimori Atsushi Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: PUPA HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Valentrixe Accuracy:
Length: 2:05
Source: BMS Genre: VideoGame (Instrumental) BPM: 202
Oct 16, 2015
Nov 28, 2016
Average Rating: 10.0 Favourited 0 times in total

  1. 10/16/2015 - added Kagii's White Another to mapset
  2. 10/17/2015 - applied Yavi's & N|HIL's mod
  3. 10/18/2015 - applied mod from DixonBlackwing
  4. 11/23/2015 - applied mod from Kruzon
  5. 12/03/2015 - applied mod from jakads
  6. 12/14/2015 - IRC with Rido Rhoma, huge pattern improvement in Another, applied MEGAtive's mod too
  7. 12/21/2015 - IRC with Daikyi for an hour lol
  8. 12/23/2015 - applied mod from Frim4503
  9. 12/31/2015 - applied mod from Tsumui
  10. 01/09/2016 - added Hitsound on Normal according to Takane6's suggestion
  11. 01/10/2016 - added some SVs on Another & White Another from Pope Gadget
  12. 01/25/2016 - IRC with -BANGKE-, revised all the SVs in Another & White Another based on Pope Gadget's previous SVs, added some SVs on Hyper too
  13. 02/01/2016 - applied mod from Verniy_Chan
  14. 02/24/2016 - applied mod from puxtu & nowsmart
  15. 03/10/2016 - finished the hitsound stuff yay ;w;
  16. 03/21/2016 - applied mod from Dellvangel
  17. 03/30/2016 - fixed some pattern in Hyper
  18. 04/05/2016 - fixed some SVs in Hyper & White Another based on Evening's suggestion
  19. 04/09/2016 - revised the hitsound & pattern in Another based on Harbyter's suggestion
  20. 05/29/2016 - changed the layering in Another, based on ajeemaniz's suggestion
  21. 06/20/2016 - applied mod from Critical_Star
  22. 06/23/2016 - applied mod from Wonki, added some custom hitsounds too
  23. 06/25/2016 - IRC with Lenfried
  24. 07/15/2016 - applied mod from AlisceaSparku
  25. 07/16/2016 - applied mod from Rivals_7
  26. 08/04/2016 - IRC with DoNotMess and refined the SVs in both Another & White Another based on Starry-'s suggestion
  27. 08/07/2016 - IRC with erlinadewi- & cikra
  28. 08/13/2016 - applied mod from Protastic101
  29. 09/13/2016 - added Beginner diff
  30. 09/20/2016 - applied mod from Nivrad00
  31. 10/15/2016 - applied mod from Evening and changed the BG
  32. 10/16/2016 - increased the HP & OD of Another & White Another
  33. 10/31/2016 - changed kiai timing and some pattern in Hyper & White Another
  34. 11/08/2016 - applied another mod from Evening
  35. 11/10/2016 - fixed the PR on all diff (god i hate PR so much)
  36. 11/12/2016 - did some minor change on Another after doing selfmod
  37. 11/20/2016 - fixed patterns in White Another based on Feerum's mod
Special Thanks
to all the people that helps me with this map
ExKagii- for the GD

Yavi, N|HIL, DixonBlackwing, Kruzon, jakads, MEGAtive, Daikyi, Frim4503, Tsumui, -BANGKE-, Verniy_Chan, puxtu, nowsmart, Dellvangel, Davin Fortune, Harbyter, Critical_Star, Wonki, AlisceaSparku, Rivals_7, erlinadewi-, Protastic101 and Feerum for the mods!

jakads, Daikyi, Wonki, Abraxos, Another Lie, -BANGKE-, AlisceaSparku and HXJ_Crafter for the stars!!

cikra for your constant PR check, thanks for not giving up on me :)
to anyone that want to try his diff : cikra's Another [⋆4.72]

Nivrad00 for and Evening for

Frostcage, Muu-chan, Rido, Abraxos, Pope Gadget, ajeemaniz, Lenfried, Starry-, DoNotMess and many more for testplaying!

also to everyone else that love my maps
thank you!
KR Flag seksman sigma balls is in the lead! (3 weeks ago)
Score 946,694 (98.69%) Grade S
Max Combo 757
MAX / 300 / 200 1340 / 392 / 42
100 / 50 / Misses 7 / 2 / 3
Mods None

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP MAX 300 200 100 50 Misses Mods
#1 Grade S 946,694 98.69% KR Flag seksman sigma balls 757 236 1340 392 42 7 2 3 None
#2 Grade S 879,499 97.82% BR Flag 313 462 1239 469 55 6 2 15 DT