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Beatmap Listing » S3RL feat Krystal - R4V3 B0Y

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Artist: S3RL feat Krystal Circle Size:
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Title: R4V3 B0Y HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Draftnell Accuracy:
Length: 2:57
Source: Genre: Electronic (English) BPM: 175
Jan 22, 2016
Jun 18, 2016
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
R4V3 B0Y
Composed by S3RL

here for awesome STD ver By: DeRandom Otaku

Warning : the storyboard too high to play, i suggested for the low PC to turn off the storyboard

arviejhay = for amazing SB
Aste- = GD 6K As' Hard
-BANGKE- = GD 4k BANGKE's Normal
Bray- = GD 6K Bray's Insane and BG

"R4v3 Boy"

Be - Be my rave boy
We can have some fun
Dancing together
Till the morning sun
My heart is racing
If only you knew
I can't imagine
My life without you

I can't imagine
My life without you

I can't imagine

Be - Be my rave boy
We can have some fun
Dancing together
Till the morning sun
My heart is racing
If only you knew
I can't imagine
My life without you

I can just imagine
Our cute raver life
Holding hands together
Under laser lights
Waiting for the build-up
So we can lose our minds
If only you knew I
Want to make you mine

Want to make you mine (repeat)

If only you knew I
Want to make you mine

Be - Be my rave boy
We can have some fun
Dancing together
Till the morning sun
My heart is racing
If only you knew
I can't imagine
My life without you

I can just imagine
Our cute raver life
Holding hands together
Under laser lights
Waiting for the build-up
So we can lose our minds
If only you knew I
Want to make you mine

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