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Beatmap Listing » YuugouP - YELLOW TRICK

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Artist: YuugouP Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Noffy Accuracy:
Length: 2:11
Source: Genre: Pop (Japanese) BPM: 175
Nov 28, 2014
May 06, 2017
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
Yellow! Yellow!
If everything were dyed yellow wouldn't that be nice?

illustrated by 7:24 | nicovideo upload | composed by YuugouP

by Noffy
by Okorin

Skin DL: mediafire

Collection Of Old-Diffs. Features: Original Set! Diffs from just before I remapped it in 2016! Beginner difficulty! Old mp3! The entire collection!

^Cool scan from YuugouP's second CD (which is filled with great songs just like this one!) provided by neonat

February 16th 2015: Starred by - Kibbleru
September 10th 2016: Starred #2 by - Ayyri
April 25th 2017: Bubbled by - MrSergio
April 27th 2017: Bubbled #2 by - Naotoshi
April 29th 2017: Qualified by - MrSergio !!

Cheesy Reflection Box
I remember a year into this map's pending life I refound a deviantart journal of mine from 2012 where I stated YELLOW TRICK was my current favorite song, but that I'd probably move on from it within a few days.
I was really wrong, wasn't I? It's still one of my favorites. A true kagamine anthem.

In the really long time it took to finally get this ranked, I repeatedly felt hopeless. Like it would never be good enough no matter how much I tried to improve it, or how many times I remapped entire difficulties or sections. That if Okorin went and made his own set he could've probably ranked it in a month or something, my bad difficulties were just holding his back, et cetera.
I often wished I could just move on and maybe get rid of it, but I liked the song too much to ever really give up on it entirely.
I got so much help from so many people over the years, and I'm really grateful for that. It was thanks to so many people helping me that I was finally able to over time improve it to where it was finally able to get ranked. I still feel I have a long way to go, and that I improve rather slowly, but being part of this community has been a blessing to me. I hope this continues to be true into the future~

Thanks, everyone!

All skin elements, besides a few from the default skin, were made by myself + WildOne94 who rendered the hit300g and hit300k images from the video. Please no steal.
Patchouli is in the lead! (2 months ago)
Score 3,424,166 (100.0%)
Max Combo 448
300 / 100 / 50 248 / 0 / 0
Misses 0
Geki (Elite Beat!) 80
Katu (Beat!) 0

Top 50 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 XH 3,424,166 100.0% Patchouli 448 151 248 / 0 / 0 80 0 0 HDHRDTPF