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Beatmap Listing » Meiko Nakamura - Dispel

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Artist: Meiko Nakamura Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Dispel HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: terametis Accuracy:
Length: 3:12
Source: Genre: Rock (Japanese) BPM: 200
Nov 12, 2011
May 08, 2012
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 1 times in total Users that love this map:
cat of justice
Changed mp3
27/11/2011 Redownload pleaze :)

[S h i o n's Normal]-----100%

[Normal] is really wonderful :) It is a mapping by S h i o n.

20/11/2011 LaceWingfield's mod thank you~~
28/11/2011 Shana Aisaka's mod thank you~~
28/11/2011 wmfchris's mod thank you~~
01/12/2011 Byakugan249's mod thank you~~
01/12/2011 Laurier's mod thank you~~
01/12/2011 Takos's mod thank you~~
01/12/2011 No_Gu's mod thank you~~
02/12/2011 mercury2004's mod thank you~~
02/12/2011 Scorpiour's mod thank you~~
03/12/2011 kosiga's mod thank you~~
04/12/2011 Sync's mod thank you~~
06/12/2011 Apricot's mod thank you~~
09/12/2011 Shiirn's mod thank you~~
11/12/2011 Mafiamaster's mod thank you~~
31/12/2011 Agnes's mod thank you~~
07/01/2012 kanpakyin's mod thank you~~
27/01/2012 wmfchris's remod thank you~~
31/01/2012 Kiddo-Kun's mod thank you~~
01/02/2012 Leorda's mod&bubble thank you~~
18/03/2012 Garven's mod & rebub thank you~~
AR Flag ivalteK is in the lead! (1 year ago)
Score 15,127,327 (99.89%) Grade S
Max Combo 1017
300 / 100 / 50 593 / 1 / 0
Misses 0
Geki (Elite Beat!) 102
Katu (Beat!) 1
Mods HR

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 Grade S 15,127,327 99.89% AR Flag ivalteK 1017 354 593 / 1 / 0 102 1 0 HR
#2 Grade S 15,042,619 99.1% AR Flag No uohh please 1017 313 586 / 8 / 0 95 8 0 HR
#3 Grade A 14,023,101 99.72% AR Flag Bochini 966 335 592 / 1 / 0 101 1 1 HR
#4 Grade S 13,919,302 98.2% BY Flag zverhome 1016 199 578 / 16 / 0 98 5 0 None
#5 Grade A 7,916,744 98.2% BR Flag Fauna 719 117 582 / 4 / 0 96 2 8 None
#6 Grade A 6,839,136 98.04% FR Flag cat of justice 652 134 578 / 12 / 2 98 2 2 None
#7 Grade A 3,309,764 95.34% US Flag Nakatsu Shizuru 370 169 557 / 26 / 4 83 14 7 DT
#8 Grade A 2,015,140 93.1% SG Flag Shikkesora 184 29 544 / 24 / 6 77 10 20 DT