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Beatmap Listing » Daniel Ingram - B.B.B.F.F

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Artist: Daniel Ingram Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: B.B.B.F.F HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: ztrot Accuracy:
Length: 1:30
Source: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Genre: Other (English) BPM: 106
Apr 23, 2012
Jun 03, 2012
Average Rating: 10.0 Favourited 0 times in total
Season two was a ending among endings I loved it! So, I figured I might as well map some music from it! This will be my 1st mpl song from the show, hope you like it!
Redownload if you haven't already 5/6/12

Insane 100%

Taikoponi 100% thanks you MMzz

Hard 100% thanks MoonShade

Normal 100%

Easy 100% Dragonsparta thank you!

Applied mods from real on normal and insane awaiting response from moonshade and dragonsparta
applied moonshades changes and added MMzz's taiko
4/26/12 applied jacob's mods
4/26/12 applied -Bakari-'s mods
4/27/12 applied syncs mod awaiting guests to apply there mods.
5/6/12 added some of the skin elements and changed the video to a non watermarked ver
5/7/12 added some of SuperMICrophone's suggestions
5/7/12 timing fixes found thanks to dereks suggestions
5/7/12 fixed error in taikoponi and used syncs taiko mod
5/8/12 slight changes were made to the hitsounds in insane
5/8/12 added in dragonsparta's fixes
5/9/12 added more skin elements subeject to change
5/21/12 added in a few more skin elements still subject to change.
5/29/12 added in the last of the make shift elements and seeing as how my skin maker is tied up you will have to wait for the offical elements in the release of the skin I'm going with these this has been put off long enough.
5/29/12 applied syncs mods and made the last make shift elments while removing the ones that were no longer needed
US Flag SlitherWing is in the lead! (1 month ago)
Score 2,997,349 (97.08%) Grade S
Max Combo 342
300 / 100 / 50 262 / 12 / 0
Misses 0
Geki (Elite Beat!) 32
Katu (Beat!) 9
Mods DT

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 Grade S 2,997,349 97.08% US Flag SlitherWing 342 150 262 / 12 / 0 32 9 0 DT
#2 Grade S 2,991,248 96.59% US Flag Ayla 342 143 260 / 14 / 0 33 8 0 DT
#3 Grade S 2,832,221 93.67% US Flag Koishi 342 114 248 / 26 / 0 29 12 0 DT