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Beatmap Listing » Duca - Clover

View on osu.ppy.sh

Artist: Duca Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Clover HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Cilvery Accuracy:
Length: 3:59
Source: your diary Genre: VideoGame (Japanese) BPM: 142
May 28, 2012
Oct 01, 2012
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 1 times in total Users that love this map:
No uohh please


Easy - Cilvery

Normal - Suzully

Hard - Hinacle

Collab - <Melophobia> 00:01:309 - 00:14:619 - , 00:58:773 - 01:11:872 - , 02:06:379 - 02:23:175 - .

      <Cilvery> 00:14:830 - 00:28:140 - , 01:12:295 - 01:29:196 - , 03:08:914 - 03:22:224 - .

      <Ryafuka> 00:28:351 - 00:41:449 - , 02:23:280 - 02:36:590 - , 03:49:478 - 03:58:985 - .

      <MiLu> 00:41:872 - 00:58:351 - , 02:36:802 - 02:53:703 - .

      <KSHR> 01:39:318 - 01:52:628 - , 03:22:416 - 03:35:832 - .

      <Patchouli> 01:52:839 - 02:06:254 - , 03:35:938 - 03:49:459 - .
No records have been set for this game mode yet!