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Beatmap Listing » Hotaru - Serenade of Love

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Artist: Hotaru Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Serenade of Love HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: - t e n n y a - Accuracy:
Length: 1:48
Source: Touhou Genre: VideoGame (Japanese) BPM: 128
Jul 01, 2012
Oct 21, 2012
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
wwww its Hotaru! hope you like it :3

Please redownload if you downloaded this before 17 October 2012

Awesome sb by inverness ~
Awesome Insane by Laurier ><

- STBlack
- -Baby Strawberry-
- pimpG
- Verlaren
- those (for the tags ^o^)
- Niva ><
- Matoryoshika and those stars >//u//<
- Nagisawa and the star :3
- aabc271 for the pro taiko mods >w<
- moemoe pie >3< Katty Pie ~
- HashishKabob for the taiko
- -Bakari-
- L_P and the star >3<
- nich95 and the star >w<
- popner
- Kokatsu for the taiko mod and testplay ^^
- l1106188 and the star x3
- Hinsvar >w>
- kajiyatta
- Rei_Fan49 for the pro mods at std and taiko and also for the testplay >3<
- wmfchris for the taiko
- hibarirailwayz for the std and taiko ^^
- shojimeguro
- -Senritsu- >///3////<
- Flask
- jaehn215
- HanzeR
- Gabe
- TheVileOne
- Yasora for the pro sb fixing and pro std mods >3<
- Weiren
- SE_Soul
- alacat >3< ~
- Leorda
- wantuole
- Sagisawa-Yukari
- dragonxcz for the offset and the star ><
- Taris
- Wreath
- Chewin and for the bubble and the 2nd rebubble >////u///< <3
- inverness ~~~
- Niva again for the bubble >u<
- Garven for the rebubble www
- omg Niva for rank (:'3 )rz
and thanks all for supporting this map! ^^
No records have been set for this game mode yet!