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Beatmap Listing » T.A.T.U. - Stars

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Artist: T.A.T.U. Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Stars HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Saturos-fangirl Accuracy:
Length: 3:56
Source: Genre: Pop (English) BPM: 90
Sep 30, 2008
Oct 15, 2008
Average Rating: 10.0 Favourited 0 times in total
Both difficulties completed, but need to be modded for timing and spacing. Should I rename "Hard" to "Insane"?

Edit: Retimed, needs modding for spacing tho (i know i have a few rough spots but im not sure what to do with them)

Edit: respaced...

Edit: MM201's edits on [Hard]

Edit: [Easy] respaced~

Edit: Matty's edits on both diffs (excepting the break in easy)

Edit: Matty's second wave of edits done.

Edit: All right, have a background. That's the onlyyyy chaaaaaaaaange

Edit: Max's edits done~
ignasblaz1000 is in the lead! (2 weeks ago)
Score 6,153,930 (99.47%)
Max Combo 550
300 / 100 / 50 373 / 3 / 0
Misses 0
Geki (Elite Beat!) 60
Katu (Beat!) 3
Mods None

Top 50 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 S 6,153,930 99.47% ignasblaz1000 550 53 373 / 3 / 0 60 3 0 None
#2 C 1,425,740 84.26% Oreeeee 188 7 296 / 51 / 23 30 13 6 None