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Beatmap Listing » wowaka - World's End Dancehall (ROCKETMAN Remix)

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Artist: wowaka Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: World's End Dancehall (ROCKETMAN Remix) HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Mira-san Accuracy:
Length: 4:20
Source: Genre: Electronic (Japanese) BPM: 171
Apr 17, 2013
Dec 03, 2014
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 1 times in total Users that love this map:

Shall we dance with some hop steps?
Let's go "one two" in a small corner of this world.
Enjoy fully this dizzy feeling of the world's end.

Redownload (Easy remap + new files, 9th of October, 2014)
Map remapped+restructured [Insane]: 4 times

#pendingever Not anymore.
:jonathanlfj | : mintong89 | : TicClick, Natsu, Aka, Hinsvar | : Frostmourne, Sakura

Finished at:
6/8/13 17:17
Pending as of:
7/16/13 18:45
Re-WIP as of
World's End REMAPPING done as of:
10/29/13 13:48
...hitsounding etc.
10/29/13 16:16
Brought back from the grave:
2/26/14 14:32
Insane diff "overhaul" completed:
4/21/14 19:50
neonat | Neormal
_AI | Extra
Fr33z3R | Easy
Stefan | Taiko Oni, Muzukashii
And to these people:
Lolicore_Komari | Hana Kana | asaink | osu_gangster | Ishmon | Gawello | jockeytiyan | ychung97 | Rakuen | _none | Kenterz9
Niokin | -Asagi | YunoFanatic | There | Xivaxi | Leader | Snookie | FerreTrip | sssyoyo | happy623 | kamisamaaa | - Miomio Chii -
RandomEffect | SapphireGhost | UnitedWeSin | Zaphirox | EnixYuki | sheela901 | NexuChan | ayaka2000 | NachtHemdPlaya
Tenderz | buny | TheWantedOne | pola(r)is | klaki892 | examination | Yuuki Aoi | Tsukasa | Selisi | moonlightleaf | Frostings
Star Seraph | inverness | WinglessAsura | ffstar0716 | cdhsausageboy | Kurapika | Mahiro Yasaka | Sharuru-09 | Returnxps
HybRidChrome | Aznyuki3 | Sinch | Siegrein | Osu Tatakae Ouendan | Kitokofox | iKurisu | Ririi | SkyBearer245 | Hard
Kibbleru | No Dap | Desperate-kun | Mao | Priti | Shiro | guineaQ | Krfawy | Miko | (Lionheart) | HashishKabob | OblivioN |
Smug- | _verto_ | jonathanlfj | Sala- | streetelf | Yopkyu | Leorda | Nwolf | RenzMichael | Decipher | gokugohan12468 | Regraz | MagicArts | Project Railgun | Faan | nihapy | KEMU | PolkaMocha | HootOwlStar | Hollow Wings | paseli | mintong89 | TicClick | Nathanael | Frostmourne | Squigly | Natsu | and people who added this map to their favourites! <3 all of you lol
US Flag Koishi is in the lead! (6 months ago)
Score 19,396,318 (99.9%) Grade S
Max Combo 1188
300 / 100 / 50 677 / 1 / 0
Misses 0
Geki (Elite Beat!) 145
Katu (Beat!) 1
Mods None

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 Grade S 19,396,318 99.9% US Flag Koishi 1188 67 677 / 1 / 0 145 1 0 None