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Beatmap Listing » Tsukasa ft. 3L - Space Accelerator

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Artist: Tsukasa ft. 3L Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Space Accelerator HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: 11t Accuracy:
Length: 1:51
Source: Touhou Genre: VideoGame (Japanese) BPM: 180
Aug 23, 2013
Oct 13, 2013
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total

Current Version:

Easy extra difficulty by Mako Sakata:

mapping: 11t
guest mapping: apaffy
taiko mapping: OnosakiHito
storyboard: 11t
sound FX: 11t
moral support: emmy

circle: Arte Refact
album: 幻想遊園郷 -Fantastic Park-
arrangement: 矢鴇つかさ
lyrics: 三澤秋
vocals: 3L
original composition: ZUN (車椅子の未来宇宙)

illustration: An2A
Special Thanks
popner's mods
Removed compression sliders in Lunatic
apaffy fixes things in apaffy's Hard
New combo adjustments to Kiai section of Normal
Some fixes based on Garven's post
Fixed grid snappings for a few objects as mentioned by Harez
Removed compression sliders in Lunatic
Minor combo adjustments to Lunatic as suggested by UnitedWeSin
Adjustments to 00:56:676 of Lunatic
Lunatic slider adjustments
Artist changed to Tsukasa ft. 3L as suggested by happy30
Charles445's mods
aabc271's Taiko mods
_Gezo_'s Taiko mods
TKSalt's Taiko mods
Storyboard timing adjustments
Submission of OnosakiHito's Taiko difficulties
Nymph's mods
Spacing adjustments at 00:56:676 in Lunatic
Placement fix for 01:49:843 (2) in Lunatic
credits.png updates
apaffy fixes things in apaffy's Hard
Changes to Lunatic based on suggestions by UnitedWeSin
Remapping of 00:45:343 - 00:54:676 in Lunatic
10crystalmask01's mods
TheGrimOfCrazy's mods
Sieg's mods
Minor spacing aesthetic adjustments
Kecco's mods
Irreversible's mods
Minor slider adjustments
credits.png updates
bigfrog's mods
emmy's mods
Krah's mods
Credit page updates
apaffy fixes things in apaffy's Hard
Lirami's mods
HelloSCV's mods
credits.jpg updated
Seraphin's mods
credits.jpg updated
Navy's mods
RandomEffect's mods
credits.jpg updated
apaffy fixes things in apaffy's Hard
Readjusted difficulty parameters of Normal
Fixed some hitsounds
Minor remapping to reduce difficulty of Normal
Adjusted difficulty parameters of Normal
Remapped intro of Insane
Saten's mods
captin1's mods
- Miomio Chii -'s mods
Hitsound adjustments
Normal complete
Hitsound adjustments
apaffy's Hard complete
Hitsound adjustments
Initial submission
No records have been set for this game mode yet!