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Beatmap Listing » ZUN - Kagayaku Hari no Kobitozoku ~ Little Princess

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Artist: ZUN Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Kagayaku Hari no Kobitozoku ~ Little Princess HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Neto Accuracy:
Length: 3:37
Source: 東方輝針城 ~ Double Dealing Character. Genre: VideoGame (Instrumental) BPM: 164
Jun 17, 2021
Feb 28, 2025
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
taikosu, same with the previous map, jhowm as the taiko base.
17/06/21 - If I can rank this it will be the longest stream ranked in the game.
25/10/21 - remapped the end a bit, changed diff name and settings
19/11/23 - uploaded two wip diffs for spread, changed settings yet again
12/12/23 - changed AR to 9
27/10/24 - Finished Ura Oni
10/11/24 - Finished Inner Oni
25/11/24 - Finished Oni. Star rating is playing a trick with me here, this diff is pretty nerfed. Missing Muzukashi now.
26/11/24 - Finished Muzukashii, I'm dead. Finally pending.

BNs: Malphs/Syncro

RU Flag majikiti girl is in the lead! (3 days ago)
Score 30,953,910 (94.23%) Grade A
Max Combo 1467
300 / 100 / 50 1452 / 122 / 0
Misses 10
Geki (Elite Beat!) 302
Katu (Beat!) 60
Mods NF

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 Grade A 30,953,910 94.23% RU Flag majikiti girl 1467 210 1452 / 122 / 0 302 60 10 NF