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Beatmap Listing » Amane - Eternal Fullmoon

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Artist: Amane Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Eternal Fullmoon HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Desperate-kun Accuracy:
Length: 2:29
Source: Touhou Genre: VideoGame (Instrumental) BPM: 142
Nov 24, 2013
Feb 25, 2014
Average Rating: 10.0 Favourited 0 times in total
My first ranked mapset! :3

Asphyxia's Beginner - by Asphyxia
Standard - by me
Hyper - by me
Mao's Another - by Mao

23.12.2013 - Pending! :3
30.12.2013 - Applied Wafu's mod.
30.12.2013 - Applied ChivaCookie's mod.
05.01.2014 - Applied Cherry Blossom's mod.
05.01.2014 - Applied Asphyxia's mod.
07.01.2014 - Applied VinylDash14's mod.
07.01.2014 - Removed Beginner diff.
10.01.2014 - Added Asphyxia's Beginner diff.
10.01.2014 - Applied Kyshiro's mod.
10.01.2014 - Applied rezoon's mod.
11.01.2014 - Applied Gero's mod.
15.01.2014 - Applied - Melody's mod.
25.01.2014 - Applied fanzhen0019's mod.
25.01.2014 - Applied HollowWings' mod.
26.01.2014 - Applied IamKwaN's mod.
28.01.2014 - Applied Losertic's mod.
30.01.2014 - Applied -Kirito's mod.
30.01.2014 - Applied ZZHBOY's mod.
10.02.2014 - Applied happy623's mod.
10.02.2014 - Applied 384059043's mod.
10.02.2014 - Applied HabiHolic's mod.
12.02.2014 - Applied Xanandra's mod.
16.02.2014 - Applied tutuhaha's mod.
17.02.2014 - Bubbled by BeatofIke ♥
17.02.2014 - Bubble popped by Frostmourne.
17.02.2014 - Applied Frostmourne's mod.
17.02.2014 - Rebubbled by Frostmourne.
18.02.2014 - Applied Irreversible's mod.
18.02.2014 - Ranked by Irreversible ♥
No records have been set for this game mode yet!