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Beatmap Listing » Akiyama Uni - The Grimoire of Alice

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Artist: Akiyama Uni Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: The Grimoire of Alice HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Hollow Wings Accuracy:
Length: 3:04
Source: Touhou Genre: VideoGame (Instrumental) BPM: 142
Oct 22, 2013
Sep 28, 2014
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
th123 bgm The Grimoire of Alice
bg by me

  • 其实老实说,一个脑大大的图我都觉得很好玩,好玩是重点中的重点啊!你的坟图我几乎看了个遍有木有!
I've rarely played games seriously until i met th123, the first game in touhou project i had known. FTG this game is so i can play it at once after afk from kof, while characters in it are dazzling. Izayoi Sakuya and Reiuji Utsuho were mainly used and fight a lot on the internet or off line with friends before ucee. I do love this game coz it's really good and one of my taste. (I'm bad at it thou lol
Another reason i love this game so much is the bgm music in it. Yeah... Akiyama Uni is so GODLIKE that i even can't calculate how this guy remixed such perfect melody and electronic beats, and that's why i keep mapping his songs now. 0.0
  1. 【CSGA】Ar3sgice
  2. Playing
  3. No_Gu
  4. Zweib
  5. fanzhen0019
  6. Sweet Vanilla
  7. Syameimaru-Aya
  8. Eggache0
  9. 【Seraphin】
  10. 【Minakami Yuki】
  11. axschiming
  12. 384059043
  13. Charles445
  14. ignorethis
  15. Autumn
  16. Fatfan Kolek
  17. inverness
  18. P A N
  19. sammy711
  20. Low ------ bubbling
  21. Desperate-kun
  22. EvilElvis ------ ranking
  1. yuxi822: ”這。。這。。這。。這是單指玩的圖?“
  2. SuperContact:”我决定对难度方面不发表看法了...“
  3. onlyforyou:”圈圈超大,有壓迫感...幾乎在亂按...“
  4. GGBY: ”这个,脑洞有些大“
  5. 【CSGA】Ar3sgice:“太可怕。”
  6. ShallICompareThee:“难度非常大,曲子不错,按键节奏好像还有点感觉”
  7. Yakumo Yukari:“怎么感觉是单指图,几个来回好难打!”
  8. Zweib:“如果看成大间距连打就很爽,不过我觉得其实定位为单指图的话打的感觉挺蛋疼的”
  9. AzureRed:“能不能不要这么大...为什么你要伤害别人的双手”
  10. Kanon:“感觉你开创了map新流派”(ps:吓尿,新流派毛线orz
  11. tsuka:“我他妈... 地球人跟你有什么仇”
  12. Frostmourne:“good luck..”
  13. wcx19911123:“好像是有点鬼畜”
Patchouli is in the lead! (2 months ago)
Score 3,580,786 (100.0%)
Max Combo 543
300 / 100 / 50 283 / 0 / 0
Misses 0
Geki (Elite Beat!) 106
Katu (Beat!) 0

Top 50 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 XH 3,580,786 100.0% Patchouli 543 80 283 / 0 / 0 106 0 0 HDHRDTPF