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Beatmap Listing » Mr. Saturn - Saturn

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Artist: Mr. Saturn Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Saturn HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Saturnalize Accuracy:
Length: 1:48
Source: Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA 2 Genre: VideoGame (Instrumental) BPM: 155
Nov 14, 2011
Jan 28, 2014
Average Rating: 10.0 Favourited 0 times in total
First beatmap survived from first time mapping (there's horatio made by me but I've deleted it because those streams looks freaking ugly)
LATEST RE-DL = 21/5/2013 - sb delete
I use my nation date format, dd/mm/yyyy
Current plan =
> MODS - Reached page 10
> STARS - Achieved!
> BUBBLE - Achieved! (by Faust)
> POPPED BUBBLES - Achieved! (by Deif)
> REBUBBLE (Catch the Beat by Deif, Standard by jonathanlfj)
> RANKED (by dkun)

-Guest Diffs-
Difficult by Yasora
Fruit Overdose by urs4chan

3/1/2012 update!
18/1/2012 update
18/1/2012/2 update TicClick's mod, ALL of the diff.
19/1/2012 update Insane diff to fill the empty intro
19/1/2012/2 update to better mp3, deleting unused hitsound and freak hitsound. Repairing major problem, fixing some triple clap on [Hard]. (Thanks ouranhshc for the mp3, You are my best husband ever after ;w;)
24/1/2012 adding 2 seconds of lead in (thanks faust), putting up some stuff on insane's break (inspired by my dear father thenewearth, but sorry I won't change any part into stream D:)
4/2/2012 MOVED TO PENDING (again)
6/2/2012 Massive edit - Full Submit - You guys should redownload :O (+Sallad4ever's mod)
15/2/2012 Hard diff are open for GD, new Insane maps, and new bg. Thanks for Faust for dat awesome bg :3
?/2/2012 WVS signed up for Hard diff!
2/3/2012 WVSyper added!
23/3/2012 Changed tag and source, added taiko diff! (and moved to WIP)
24/3/2012 Change stacks, remap Beginner and Standard, rename Standard diff (from standart) and WVS diff (from WVSyper), some changes from LunarSakuya's mod.
26/3/2012 Change some sliders at Beginner, some changes from Danzai's mod.
27/3/2012 Change some hitsound and update WVS diff.
28/3/2012 Some changes from NoHitter's mod.
4/4/2012 Some taiko changes
13/4/2012 Added Tags and change source (Crimmi's mod)
14/4/2012 Change source, edit some slider at Insane diff.
15/4/2012 Added Tags
19/4/2012 Change some stuff, continue mapping until 01:47, .osb removed (those's mod)
21/4/2012 Forget to put nc and clap at insane diff, update.
29/4/2012 Added Yasora's diff ( omaigawd thx ; A ; ), added Taiko BG, Changed Challenge diff to Expert (based on SuperNOVA)
2/5/2012 Added 4chan's CtB diff (maithankyou *bow)
3/5/2012 Update 4chan's CtB diff
6/5/2012 Update 4chan's CtB diff
7/5/2012 Deleted WVSagi from tag and WVS diff, since he's now banned ( I'm sorry ;^; ), Moved to pending because seems there are no more gd to ask.
10/5/2012 Change some sliders at Expert diff and some patterns at Taiko Oni diff.
26/5/2012 Update 4chan's CtB diff, diff title change to urs4chan's Overdose.
27/5/2012 CDFA's mod, change Yasora's diff to Yasora's Hard (from Yasora's Difficult)
1/6/2012 Full submit (Gabe's mod)
2/6/2012 Gabe's mod, change art at Beginner, change the absurd pattern that CDFA points out, and yeah, I believe that this map is really ready for rank :D
4/6/2012 Moar moe star pattern (check kiai time!), dramatic drain section, a lot of moecurve before drain. More tweak for Expert! \:D/, change thread title to Mr. Saturn - Saturn (Osu|Taiko|CtB), (In the morning) Raging Bull's mod. yay \:D/
12/6/2012 Yasora's diff update, still no message about RB's help for slider. I should ask him later.
13/6/2012 Katty Pie's mod. Hurray \:D/
14/6/2012 Jupiter's mod. Yay \:D/
16/6/2012 Fenya's mod and.. OH GREAT WMF'S MOD! *dieofhappiness ; Full submit, added sb for Yasora's Hard and 4chan's overdose, I'd like to see difficulty name without username in it. Doesn't mean that I want to hide their name so player will think that I make all of the diffs, but because IMO it's neater than ever! Added new taiko bg, looks better with taiko fonts (*Q*o)o Thanks Frank7654321 for the font, and yay taiko 700 combo!
24/6/2012 SHULIN'S MOD, AW YEAH!
29/6/2012 Updated Yasora's diff, after wondering about some minutes ,"have I update her diff? I don't remember a thing blablabla".
9/7/2012 Oh look, a wild mod from Konai (oh carp dat profile pics)
14/7/2012 Another mod! This time from hibarirailwayz. Yaaaay~
21/8/2012 Revived, mancusojuanmattos' mod applied.
19/8/2012 lol 2 more days and my beatmap is graved again, stucked on combining .wav but at last I made it! Remap half part on Standardl and slidertick hitsounds applied on easy diff. Updated Yasora's diff, changed Hard back to Difficult. Moved to Pending; RE-DL TIME!
22/10/2012 lol 2 months? Well then, update for Expert, mod from -kevincela- and Barney Stinson!
11/11/2012 CtB update. Thanks, Deif!
18/11/2012 CtB update, and hitsounds!
22/11/2012 Some hitsound fix and normal map for some deleted part (idk why orz, but this looks better for now)
24/11/2012 Rei_Fan49's mod. Heavy change on hitsounds, breaks mapped on expert, taiko mod. Thank you! :D
10/12/2012 Drafura's CtB mod and Ableh_ZZZ's std mod. Thank you both! :D
14/12/2012 Idk what happened but updated. Some notes are vanished from Expert diff, removed unnecesary drum whistle.
3/2/2013 Update, deleted taiko bg
21/2/2013 Added "Progressive Tribal" at tags, new combo and pattern fix (TAIKO)
12/3/2013 Update, mod from #modhelp
19/3/2013 Modded by Zaxerion and Awoken-, star by Lally, added GRAND CROSS Series as tags (see wikipedia), added Taiko Muzukashii.
15/4/2013 Rage update - Remapped Expert (from the start until kiai ends) and Taiko Muzukashii. All std diff now start on the same timing. Removed sb since it cause bg crop. Added new hitsound - authentic clap! (Actually I want to upload it yesterday but the upload system is getting sucked up so I do it today)
21/5/2013 Deleting sb since it's useless
15/6/2013 Remake Expert's kiai, irc mod by Faust, STAR OH GOD YES
16/6/2013 CtB diff name changed from 'Fruit Overdose' to 'Fruit overdoZe', eldnl's mod applied
18/6/2013 Fixed stuffs at Taiko and Expert, total update on Yasora's Difficult
19/6/2013 Enjoy the Fruit Rain made by me!
29/6/2013 Brighten up the grey color. Please, Taiko / CtB BAT mod my maps ; - ;
5/7/2013 Removed Fruit Rain since it's allowed to have one CtB diff on std mapset. You can find it below.
13/7/2013 Fixed NC stuffs and Tags, Harez's mod.
18/7/2013 Fixed tags and Yasora's diff updated.
28/7/2013 Added tags and ignore's mod
2/8/2013 Yasora's diff update
3/8/2013 Some IRC with Faust, including snapping and tags.
5/8/2013 Taiko muzu remap and fixed quite a lot of stuffs at taiko (mancuso's mod)
20/8/2013 Taiko muzu fix (tetsutaro's mod)
14/10/2013 Holy fuck 2 months of being untouched. Taiko muzu remapped in LESS THAN HALF HOUR.
3/11/2013 Removed everything except std diff. I'm tired.
14/11/2013 HAPPY 2 YEARS OLD IN PENDING - hitsound fix on Expert
23/12/2013 Expert & Standard fix tx bluehall90 ilu :*
3/1/2014 HAPPY BELATED NEW YEAR! Applied Mr Color's quick check
8/1/2014 Welcome back ursa's overdose and hi rain
10/1/2014 OverdoZe update
19/1/2014 Difficult update (also this name change makes uploading even harder. No lie) - EDIT : CTB BUBBLE YAY
20/1/2014 STD BUBBLE YAY
21/1/2014 RANK YAY

Thanks for being so strong in my pending slot!

Abandoned but full of memories :
  1. Expert - The Third Version, Synth Follows : http://puu.sh/3gjWD
  2. Expert - The Second Version : http://puu.sh/2AiAs
  3. Expert - The Second Stupid Version : http://puu.sh/3gh1h
  4. Expert - The First Version : Unavailable
  5. Hyper - WVS' GuestDiff : https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/download.php?id=80759
  6. Muzukashii - Taiko Diff : http://puu.sh/57td9.osu
  7. Oni - Taiko Diff : http://puu.sh/57tdm.osu
  8. Rain - Catch The Beat Diff : http://puu.sh/6e0ig.osu
Expert pattern & idea was taken from Niva, Natteke, AngelHoney, WVS, and Philippines.

fite me duresyen huehheuheue
AR Flag hiruma996 is in the lead! (1 year ago)
Score 6,486,647 (97.38%) Grade S
Max Combo 576
300 / 100 / 50 397 / 15 / 1
Misses 0
Geki (Elite Beat!) 51
Katu (Beat!) 12
Mods DT

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 Grade S 6,486,647 97.38% AR Flag hiruma996 576 289 397 / 15 / 1 51 12 0 DT
#2 Grade A 638,216 92.33% US Flag Koishi 150 7 374 / 20 / 4 46 8 15 EZ