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Beatmap Listing » Evanescence - Going Under

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Artist: Evanescence Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Going Under HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Breeze Accuracy:
Length: 3:30
Source: Fallen Genre: Rock (English) BPM: 88
Jan 09, 2010
Feb 24, 2010
Average Rating: 10.0 Favourited 0 times in total
7th map, 2nd Evanescence map. When first time map Evanescence's <Everybody's fool>, I was tried some map skill learned from
other mappers, but it seems to be failed lol, this time used my own map style to make it.
As the same, let's enjoy gothic rock music!

2010/02/09 All done, mod start
special thanks:
  1. soradg123 (Timing help)
  2. Zekira (Timing help)

Thanks to the modders blow:
  1. ignorethis
  2. DJPop
  3. LKs
  4. Starrodkirby86
  5. osuplayer111
Thanks to the players shoot a star blow:
  1. soradg123
  2. ignorethis
  3. gdeath
  4. DJPop
  5. alvisto
  6. ErufenRito
  7. LKs
  8. kioukiou
  9. S i R i R u
  10. Starrodkirby86
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