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Beatmap Listing » Cres - End Time

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Artist: Cres Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: End Time HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: PyaKura Accuracy:
Length: 2:09
Source: BMS Genre: VideoGame (Instrumental) BPM: 180
Mar 04, 2014
Oct 15, 2015
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
Redownload if you have downloaded before 30/06/2015 - Diff names changed

Featured in the Semi-Finals mappool for 7K MWC 2016 !

Prologue - This is not a first-timer difficulty. You should already be used to the columns before trying to play this. It contains a heavy quantity of 1/2 patterns, enough to keep you focused throughout the whole song.

Interlude - Features a lot of 1/4 (and a few 1/6) stairs and streams by focusing mainly on the piano part. This should be quite intense so be sure to keep your eyes and ears open and don't fall behind the rhythm! Slowdowns in the break parts are also inserted from this difficulty onwards. The ending features a fast 1/6 stream.

Epilogue - This is quite a jump from the Interlude difficulty. Although it contains the same 1/4 streams as seen in the previous diff, the drums are also mixed in and the pattern construction is more complex,along with the occasional 1/6 broken streams. Also features a few brackets in the middle section. This difficulty ends in a challenging 1/4 + 1/6 polyrhythm stream, so stay focused unti the very end!

Afterword - Definitely the true challenge of the mapset. While far from being as hard as its BMS counterpart, this difficulty is more about managing 180 BPM double streams with a bit more difficult 1/6 bursts. Drums are also of a greater importance here and make up for most of the trills and chordtrills you can find, located in most density spikes. The ending is also quite vicious, mixing in 1/6 gallops and 1/4 chordtrills. You will need quite a lot of control to get past this.

Chronological order in this thread
I would like to thank the following people for helping me get this mapset through the ranking process in one way or another.
(Sorry if I don't add brackets to your names, it breaks the formatting in this subforum)

  1. Akihiro (mod)
  2. arcwinolivirus (mod)
  3. REDYUMiKA (mod)
  4. Reikosaka (mod)
  5. ishimaru94 (mod)
  6. PROGUY (mod)
  7. Rumia- (mod)
  8. Lokovodo (mod)
  9. Shi-Ra (1st check)
  10. Krah (metadata)
  11. ExPew (2nd check) (DQ on request)
  12. Roxas (notable mention for trying to keysound this)
  13. Charles445 (timing)
  14. Fullerene- (timing and chart comparison/mod)
  15. Davteezy (through Skype, he was basically the one pushing me remap the hardest difficulty)
  16. Shana Lesus (mod)
  17. Mwalls Ho (mod)
  18. S a k u r a (mod)
  19. Elementaires (mod, also keeps bothering the shit out of me when asking when I will rank it xD)
  20. Kruzon (mod)
  21. ExUsagi (mod) (recheck) (hitsounds)
  22. richardfeder (mod)
  23. ArcherLove (mod)
  24. Evening (IRC check)
  25. Blocko (4 hours check wow)
  26. Loctav (for the diffname change thingy I guess lol)
  27. Starry- (recheck) (DQ on request)
  28. And a lot of others who have supported this mapset for so long and expressed their opinions - no matter positive or negative - in this thread, directly in-game and/or elsewhere. I truly am grateful to you guys!

Star Givers
  1. Akihiro
  2. Reikosaka
  3. jyu
  4. Elementaires
  5. Niks
  7. Kruzon
  8. Mwalls Ho

Thank you for your support guys !

[Creator's Afterword]
This mapset is, as many of you guys know, quite a roller coaster when it comes to the ranking process. This was uploaded for so long that we all started wondering whether this was eventually going to be ranked. At the time of writing, it has been bubbled a second time and waiting to qualify, so nothing is set in stone yet. However, progress was made throughout this last year and a half, and I am happy to see that this mapset has evolved alongside me. This is the fruit of a lot of people's work, and sometimes I wonder if I haven't abused some people patience haha. Anyway, e n d t i m e is hopefully coming to an end soon, and I will finally be able to move on to other map projects. Again I thank all of you guys who paid attention to this mapset. I don't pretend that this mapset is one of the best out there (including the original BMS charts), and I feel like I could have done better, but as times goes by I'm growing tired of trying to rank this, so I don't think I will ever be doing any more big changes in case it doesn't get through. Um, so yeah, that's it for me.

I really hope you can enjoy this mapset as it was a lot of work and I really didn't want to waste everyone's effort by throwing it away after the disqualification.

Thanks for taking your time to read through this small paragraph as well, and remember to have fun when playing! Rhythm gaming for life! or at least I sure wish so

- o!m map with the longest time required to rank.
- Used to have the worst user rating out of all o!m maps
- Have been checked by 4 BNs and 2 QATs (and additionally, 3 BATs before the ranking staff rework)
- Probably is among the maps that have gotten DQ'd the most (and the most in o!m ?)
- Used to have an Easy diff which I've scrapped because of how bland it was.
No records have been set for this game mode yet!