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Beatmap Listing » TK from Ling tosite sigure - unravel (TV edit)

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Artist: TK from Ling tosite sigure Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: unravel (TV edit) HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Desperate-kun Accuracy:
Length: 1:22
Source: Tokyo Ghoul Genre: Anime (Japanese) BPM: 135
Aug 26, 2014
Feb 02, 2015
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
Redownload if downloaded in 2014 - Mp3 changed

~ ~ ~
#8th Ranked - My first (real) multiple-mode mapset, yay! c:
Realization is something between Insane and Extra, but it's mapped kind of experimental so if you don't like it or it plays bad for you, try Mao's Insane which is a nice challenge too! :3
Thanks to pishifat for the new mp3!
~ ~ ~

Easy - by me
Normal - by me
Hard - by Yuzu-
Hard - by luxoDeh
Insane - by Mao
Realization - by me
Kantan - by me
Futsuu - by Nwolf
Muzukashii - by mingmichael
Oni - by cdhsausageboy
Inner Oni - by me
4K Normal - by Marirose
4K Hard - by Marirose
4K Insane - by Marirose

Awesome Anime, definitely worth watching!

Changelog Standard
06.12.2014 - Finished all diffs
08.12.2014 - Applied litoluna's Mod
09.12.2014 - Applied Pho's Mod
09.12.2014 - Applied -Maruk-'s Mod
11.12.2014 - Applied AlpacaCokelat's Mod
11.12.2014 - Applied Kaguya Hourain's Mod
11.12.2014 - Applied ColdTooth's Mod
12.12.2014 - Applied Kyubey's Mod
13.12.2014 - Applied Mira-san's Mod
13.12.2014 - Applied nadapan's Mod
14.12.2014 - Applied M o k o r i's Mod
14.12.2014 - Applied ankou's Mod
27.12.2014 - Applied Sieg's Mod
15.01.2015 - by Sieg
25.01.2015 - Applied Kyshiro's Mod
26.01.2015 - Applied ByBy_ChAn's Mod
26.01.2015 - by Kyshiro
Changelog Mania
September 2014 - Finished all diffs
09.12.2014 - Applied Ichigaki's Mod
09.12.2014 - Applied hutunohito's Mod
09.12.2014 - Applied DrawdeX's Mod
09.12.2014 - Applied Aii-'s Mod
09.12.2014 - Applied Nijigen-kun's Mod
27.12.2014 - Applied Z3nx's Mod
27.12.2014 - Applied nowsmart's Mod
18.01.2014 - Applied DE-CADE's Mod
18.01.2014 - by DE-CADE
Changelog Taiko
07.12.2014 - Finished all diffs
09.12.2014 - Applied -Maruk-'s Mod
11.12.2014 - Applied Charlotte's Mod
12.12.2014 - Applied Neku okazaki's Mod
19.12.2014 - Applied Nardoxyribonucleic's Mod
19.12.2014 - Applied Hanjamon's Mod
27.12.2014 - Applied Nofool's Mod
03.01.2015 - Applied qoot8123's Mod
04.01.2015 - by qoot8123
Stinkster is in the lead! (2 months ago)
Score 929,116 (92.7%)
Max Combo 234
300 / 100 / 50 260 / 25 / 3
Misses 2
Geki (Elite Beat!) 44
Katu (Beat!) 10

Top 50 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 B 929,116 92.7% Stinkster 234 98 260 / 25 / 3 44 10 2 EZDT