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Beatmap Listing » LiSA - Shirushi

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Artist: LiSA Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Shirushi HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Loneight Accuracy:
Length: 4:29
Source: ソードアート・オンラインⅡ Genre: Anime (Japanese) BPM: 73
Dec 27, 2014
Apr 25, 2015
Average Rating: Nobody has rated this map yet... ): Favourited 0 times in total
Enjoy it :3
Normal --- done by myself
Hard --- done by myself
Insane --- done by myself

Special Thanks
Hollow Wings Bubbles the map !
BeatofIke Rebubbles the map!
Momochikun Qualifiys the map!

Thanks them for modding or star
-Bakari- (modding and star)
ts8zs (modding and star)
384059043 (modding and star)
Oracle (modding)
sjoy (modding and star)
Satellite (star)
Avishay (star)
spboxer3 (modding)
DarknessAngel (modding and star)
smallboat (modding)
BeatofIke (timing check)
Momochikun (modding)
Patchouli is in the lead! (3 weeks ago)
Score 2,371,637 (100.0%)
Max Combo 591
300 / 100 / 50 252 / 0 / 0
Misses 0
Geki (Elite Beat!) 74
Katu (Beat!) 0

Top 50 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 XH 2,371,637 100.0% Patchouli 591 44 252 / 0 / 0 74 0 0 HDHRDTPF