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Beatmap Listing » DM Ashura - deltaMAX

View on osu.ppy.sh

Artist: DM Ashura Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: deltaMAX HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: rustbell Accuracy:
Length: 1:55
Source: DDR Forever Genre: Electronic (Instrumental) BPM: 100
Jul 22, 2010
Oct 16, 2016
Average Rating: 8.5 Favourited 0 times in total
0 maps higher on the list (????????
thanks peppy for mirror (old version with hitcircle skin and other diffs): http://puu.sh/11iJb/ec57cd0ab352cba7bda576fbcf408254

the timing is built by programming (BPM X.995 / rounded offset)
the video is a bit off (maybe slower a bit? or just decrease video offset)

unexpected -> challenge AR9.6
heavy -> difficult
added basic, expert
many diffs deleted
timing changed (offset -7ms)

Object's end is not snapped!

Download: DM Ashura - deltaMAX (Sprosive) [Extra1].osu

Download: DM Ashura - deltaMAX (Sprosive) [Extra3].osu

Download: DM Ashura - deltaMAX (Sprosive) [NightMAX].osu

Download: DM Ashura - deltaMAX (Sprosive) [ExplosionMAX].osu

Download: DM Ashura - deltaMAX (Sprosive) [Ain's Epsilon].osu
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