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Beatmap Listing » DJ Okawari - Flower Dance

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Artist: DJ Okawari Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Flower Dance HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: spboxer3 Accuracy:
Length: 4:01
Source: Genre: Other (Instrumental) BPM: 100
Dec 03, 2010
Feb 18, 2011
Average Rating: 8.0 Favourited 0 times in total
My 1st map
Want you like it~~:D
Guest diff: by Yumeko Yuki

Special Thanks: happy30 to reform map sound!! and the skin for EvianBubble ;)
US Flag Koishi is in the lead! (7 months ago)
Score 5,745,884 (95.24%) Grade A
Max Combo 481
300 / 100 / 50 549 / 32 / 2
Misses 5
Geki (Elite Beat!) 67
Katu (Beat!) 18
Mods DT

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 Grade A 5,745,884 95.24% US Flag Koishi 481 85 549 / 32 / 2 67 18 5 DT
#2 Grade A 919,963 98.47% VN Flag hazeqs 428 13 577 / 5 / 2 79 4 4 NVRX