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Beatmap Listing » t+pazolite - chipscape

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Artist: t+pazolite Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: chipscape HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Shiirn Accuracy:
Length: 4:06
Source: Genre: Electronic (Instrumental) BPM: 220
Mar 20, 2011
Apr 10, 2011
Average Rating: 10.0 Favourited 2 times in total Users that love this map:
BlueChinchompa, Cookiezi
This is not overmapped. Have fun. (Even if you can only watch auto do it)
Taiko difficulty is 14 Star, whatever that means.

The original chipscape had over 1800 objects, no breaks (except for the pre-static), had well over 120m max score, and was so hard it warped the difficulty rating system, rating it only 4.36 stars. This is the lite version.

"My arm is about to fall off." - Lesjuh
"I passed this first try with shit accuracy" - TKiller
"I'll star this when I pass it" - aevv
"It's really like he put a note for every beat the song has" - TVO
"When in doubt, make a reference to Banned Forever." - Omega
"The deathstream is wtf, i think Banned Forever is supaa easy then this o.o" - _LRJ_
"This is pretty fun." - Rucker
"Banned Forever trembles before this" - Doomsday
"too hard for me" - JesusYamato
"Give me back my finger muscles!" - gnaddy
"thbrdtgbdrtgvs" - dkun
BY Flag temazpro is in the lead! (3 months ago)
Score 84,063,356 (97.42%) Grade S
Max Combo 2054
300 / 100 / 50 1595 / 63 / 1
Misses 0
Geki (Elite Beat!) 202
Katu (Beat!) 36
Mods HR

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 Grade S 84,063,356 97.42% BY Flag temazpro 2054 531 1595 / 63 / 1 202 36 0 HR
#2 Grade S 81,761,237 99.35% GB Flag Spare 1957 609 1643 / 15 / 1 226 12 0 HR
#3 Grade SH 80,037,422 97.45% US Flag BlueChinchompa 1956 438 1596 / 61 / 2 202 35 0 HD
#4 Grade A 60,349,832 97.9% AR Flag Bochini 1762 342 1610 / 42 / 1 216 19 6 None
#5 Grade A 49,844,964 97.87% US Flag basil 1551 313 1609 / 44 / 0 210 24 6 None
#6 Grade A 47,550,482 98.58% IL Flag d-_-b 1466 327 1626 / 28 / 1 218 18 4 None
#7 Grade B 29,387,242 92.46% US Flag fog 1194 130 1482 / 152 / 7 163 62 18 None
#8 Grade A 26,791,898 96.28% LT Flag Darnix 868 182 1571 / 78 / 2 190 44 8 None
#9 Grade A 20,865,286 94.13% CH Flag prldm 852 147 1521 / 113 / 18 191 32 7 None
#10 Grade A 17,949,944 93.93% UA Flag gusniki 812 71 1525 / 93 / 14 183 35 27 None
#11 Grade A 15,700,353 99.78% RU Flag stickman445 1952 64 1654 / 4 / 0 234 4 1 RX
#12 Grade B 13,501,094 91.88% BR Flag zarek 675 49 1476 / 135 / 20 184 32 28 None
#13 Grade A 11,447,312 93.78% PL Flag 227 534 90 1513 / 126 / 5 182 43 15 None
#14 Grade A 10,608,760 99.24% kr Flag kuzumochi 1591 49 1644 / 6 / 2 229 3 7 RX
#15 Grade A 10,105,826 93.73% JP Flag oyuii5460 567 67 1518 / 107 / 8 183 37 26 HD
#16 Grade A 9,222,604 93.27% GU Flag Steampot 380 63 1505 / 115 / 24 183 34 15 None
#17 Grade A 6,809,125 99.36% GB Flag Dichi 1250 56 1645 / 10 / 0 228 7 4 RX
#18 Grade A 6,590,585 99.31% VN Flag hazeqs 1228 52 1645 / 7 / 1 228 4 6 RX
#19 Grade C 5,806,718 85.69% AR Flag No uohh please 253 10 1327 / 274 / 20 127 75 38 HD
#20 Grade B 5,596,580 89.22% JP Flag Mizurin 368 7 1426 / 146 / 33 162 43 54 None
#21 Grade C 4,225,664 84.28% GB Flag xytex 235 2 1302 / 278 / 21 111 83 58 None
#22 Grade B 4,034,848 87.26% RU Flag Prookis 233 8 1374 / 194 / 54 131 65 37 None
#23 Grade C 3,079,720 77.4% NL Flag kimika 182 1 1142 / 394 / 64 79 96 59 None
#24 Grade C 1,805,120 70.95% BY Flag zverhome 162 0 1015 / 431 / 110 49 87 103 None
#25 Grade A 1,309,289 94.97% PL Flag ZRD 447 22 1546 / 80 / 17 171 45 16 RX
#26 Grade A 904,742 96.93% NO Flag skrillex 306 6 1597 / 32 / 2 191 24 28 RX
#27 Grade D 388,542 67.7% RU Flag Itz MaksTeR 113 0 977 / 418 / 41 68 77 223 AP