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Performance Ranking for Canada (osu!)

Titanic uses a customized ppv2 system, mostly developed by Adachi, which changes the behavior of the relax & autopilot mods and also has some changes regarding combo scaling.

Rank Player Name Accuracy Play Count Performance Points
#1 BernkasteI 98.43% 463 (lv.45) 6,182pp 2 63 72
#2 love 96.62% 641 (lv.61) 5,797pp 0 34 33
#3 nucularr 99.09% 310 (lv.70) 5,441pp 2 21 32
#4 nate 98.81% 229 (lv.59) 4,083pp 5 24 19
#5 Harumi-chan 100.0% 897 (lv.51) 4,063pp 310 0 0
#6 villin 97.75% 940 (lv.63) 3,820pp 13 69 69
#7 Micks 97.26% 461 (lv.49) 2,824pp 0 16 3
#8 Drasil 97.59% 516 (lv.50) 2,549pp 6 20 31
#9 TurfTuckTurkey 97.19% 4,603 (lv.92) 2,465pp 9 386 189
#10 Gwen 100.0% 238 (lv.24) 2,062pp 42 1 1
#11 Sekkou 97.04% 76 (lv.33) 1,695pp 0 5 7
#12 made of fire best map 99.52% 145 (lv.27) 1,144pp 4 4 1
#13 krown 94.8% 91 (lv.26) 1,126pp 0 4 6
#14 GamesAndChill 95.31% 8 (lv.18) 482pp 0 0 5
#15 dingbub 93.42% 11 (lv.10) 477pp 0 0 3
#16 unison 89.54% 54 (lv.23) 419pp 0 2 4
#17 yurukyan 92.43% 71 (lv.14) 414pp 0 2 5
#18 Kilgar 99.75% 3 (lv.16) 352pp 0 2 1
#19 sillylaird 94.93% 69 (lv.17) 173pp 0 6 7
#20 Owen 94.02% 173 (lv.14) 96pp 2 6 11
#21 round and round 97.94% 42 (lv.15) 76pp 2 2 1
#22 Pon 90.89% 40 (lv.12) 38pp 0 0 5
#23 budgiemint 96.25% 3 (lv.7) 21pp 0 0 2
#24 kea 100.0% 1 (lv.2) 1pp 1 0 0