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Performance Ranking for Romania (osu!)

Titanic uses a customized ppv2 system, mostly developed by Adachi, which changes the behavior of the relax & autopilot mods and also has some changes regarding combo scaling.

Rank Player Name Accuracy Play Count Performance Points
#1 iphone 98.62% 120 (lv.41) 3,301pp 1 3 3
#2 Ramdo 90.69% 26 (lv.10) 25pp 0 0 1
#3 wsxdrfvyhn 80.83% 51 (lv.14) 25pp 0 0 1
#4 rrtyui 84.4% 20 (lv.7) 4pp 0 0 0
#5 karsen 95.54% 7 (lv.6) 4pp 0 0 1