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Performance Ranking for Germany (Taiko)

Titanic uses a customized ppv2 system, mostly developed by Adachi, which changes the behavior of the relax & autopilot mods and also has some changes regarding combo scaling. That essentially means that your accuracy is more important for your pp.

Rank Player Name Accuracy Play Count Performance Points
#1 xXxGAM3RPROxXx 96.31% 260 (lv.19) 2,801pp 14 89 55
#2 Ame-chan 97.9% 104 (lv.13) 787pp 13 33 6
#3 undefined 91.7% 2 (lv.4) 100pp 0 1 0
#4 Monsterfan 85.0% 2 (lv.3) 22pp 0 0 0