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Beatmap Listing » Rasupi vs YasimiKiller as Apricot respect for P.S.C - hogehoge

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Artist: Rasupi vs YasimiKiller as Apricot respect for P.S.C Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: hogehoge HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Rigeru Accuracy:
Length: 1:28
Source: Beatmania IIDX Genre: VideoGame (Instrumental) BPM: 212
Aug 12, 2011
Dec 27, 2023
Average Rating: 9.0 Favourited 0 times in total
Louise! Louise! Louiseaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
yarghh...uh...aaahah-! AaAAAAA!!! LOUISELOUISELOUISEaaaaAAAAaaa!!!
Ae...*sniff*sniff*! *sniff*sniff*! sssssaaahsssssaaah.. smells good.... *sniff*
*gasp*! I can haz sniffsniff pink blonde hair de Louise Francoise?! *sniff*sniff*! Aah!
No! I want fluffing! fluff! fluff! Hair hair fluff fluff! Scratch scratch fluff fluff... Kyunkyunnkyui!!
Louise-tan was so kawaii in vol.12 of the novels!! AaaAA...AAA...AhAaAAA!! FaaAAAnng!
Congrats on the 2nd season of the anime Louise-tan! AaAAAAA! So cute! Louise-tan! Kawaii!AaaAAA!
2nd volume of the comics were grea...nnNrAGGggghHH!! Nyaaaaaargh!! UGyaaaAAAAA!!!
Nnnnnnyyyyuuuurrrrgggghhhh!!! Comics...................... AREN'T reality!!! ?...what about the novels and the anime....
LOUISE I S N' T R E A L????? AAAAArgggghhHH!!! Uwaaaaaaannn!!
NononononoNONONONONO! EEeeeeaAAAA!!!! HGGGGrrrrruuyynnnnnNN!!! Halkeginiaaaaaa!!
You! BASTARDS! I'm quitting! I'm QUITTING REALIT...Y....huh!? She's...looking? Louise-chan on the cover is looking at me?
Louise on the cover IS looking at me! Louise... at me! Louise-chan in the pictures in the book are looking at me!!
Louise-chan in the anime is talking to me!!! Phew... reality ain't so bad after all!
Yessssss! Wheeeee!! YEAH!!! I have Louise!! I've done it Ketty, I can do it alone!!!
C..comic... Louise LOUISE-CHAAAaaaaaAAaaAAAN!!!!!!!! HyaaAAAaaaAaaaAAaA!!!!!
Ahahaah...ahahaaahhhhahaAnn! Si, Siesta!! HenriettaaaAAAAAAaAA!!! TabithaaAAAAA!!
u....uuuu..*sniff*sniff*uuuUUU!!! May my love reach Louise!! May my love reach Louise of Halkeginia!
BR Flag harunya is in the lead! (4 months ago)
Score 12,342,528 (99.02%) Grade S
Max Combo 790
300 / 100 / 50 602 / 9 / 0
Misses 0
Geki (Elite Beat!) 65
Katu (Beat!) 7
Mods None

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 Grade S 12,342,528 99.02% BR Flag harunya 790 284 602 / 9 / 0 65 7 0 None
#2 Grade A 1,659,029 97.6% HR Flag Satori 417 69 592 / 11 / 4 63 6 4 HT
#3 Grade B 985,256 92.47% LT Flag ignasblaz1000 301 39 546 / 57 / 0 54 15 8 HT
#4 Grade B 687,189 90.13% PL Flag ZRD 367 3 535 / 40 / 14 48 8 22 RX