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Beatmap Listing » S3RL feat. Jodie - MTC

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Artist: S3RL feat. Jodie Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: MTC HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: ichivictus Accuracy:
Length: 4:16
Source: Emfa Music Genre: Electronic (English) BPM: 175
Oct 23, 2013
Dec 05, 2023
Average Rating: 10.0 Favourited 0 times in total
Original Mapset 38 SP and 58 favs created by cirno who is no longer active. He gave me permission to take his MTCirno diff as a GD. He also gave me permission to edit anything I'd like in his diff since he is no longer active. I might just scrap it though if it doesn't get enough mods.

I'm mapping Easy, Normal, and Insane. Insane will be a collab by Irre and I :3
Hard is by Cheesiest.

WIP still.
Maps that can be modded:
Cheesiest's Hard
Any suggestions for custom skins/hitsounds or even storyboard ideas would be great!
IT Flag stargaze_69 is in the lead! (1 week ago)
Score 27,214,162 (95.7%) Grade A
Max Combo 1329
300 / 100 / 50 852 / 50 / 2
Misses 4
Geki (Elite Beat!) 104
Katu (Beat!) 28
Mods None

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 Grade A 27,214,162 95.7% IT Flag stargaze_69 1329 163 852 / 50 / 2 104 28 4 None
#2 Grade A 19,940,508 96.18% BY Flag zverhome 1117 189 857 / 49 / 0 106 27 2 None
#3 Grade S 15,734,270 99.12% PH Flag zonelouise 810 203 896 / 12 / 0 123 12 0 None
#4 Grade A 10,733,178 97.89% HR Flag Satori 715 168 880 / 26 / 1 116 17 1 None
#5 Grade A 9,094,512 95.14% AR Flag Crazy Loop 699 90 846 / 52 / 3 105 24 7 None
#6 Grade B 8,160,738 92.79% US Flag Koishi 555 54 816 / 79 / 1 91 39 12 None
#7 Grade B 4,781,450 91.65% FR Flag ais 429 50 799 / 98 / 3 87 40 8 None
#8 Grade A 4,613,428 93.43% IS Flag deleted_user_577 358 45 824 / 72 / 2 85 41 10 None
#9 Grade B 3,587,715 88.93% PL Flag primordial 271 46 770 / 107 / 11 78 37 20 DT
#10 Grade A 3,297,090 93.06% US Flag pink 333 25 824 / 61 / 4 94 26 19 None
#11 Grade A 996,304 95.61% US Flag TehRandomDolphin 483 10 860 / 22 / 5 107 13 21 RX