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Beatmap Listing » Silver Forest - Marisa Spark

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Artist: Silver Forest Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Marisa Spark HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Alice Margatroid Accuracy:
Length: 0:22
Source: Touhou Soutenka Genre: VideoGame (Japanese) BPM: 168
Jul 31, 2009
Oct 18, 2009
Average Rating: 8.875 Favourited 0 times in total
Here's a lovely but (very) short song by Silver Forest. Hope you'll like it.
09/11 : Added storyboarded translated lyrics, thanks a lot to Inozuma who storyboarded them <33!
Update list
(thanks A LOT to people who took a look, modded or/and starred this map!)
07/31 Followed James2250's advices
08/01 Followed tieff's advices
08/16 Followed Mafiamaster's advices.
08/17 Followed minyeob's advices
08/18 Followed Breeze's advices
08/20 Followed Yes' advices
08/21 Followed bmin11's advices
08/21 Followed Inozuma's advices
08/22 Followed Mystearica's advices
08/24 Followed Inozuma's advices again
08/28 Followed SteRRuM's advices
08/29 Followed Alace's advices
08/29 Changed Hard's name. (thanks tieff)
09/03 Followed whymeman's advices.
09/04 Followed roxkyuubiforever's advices.
09/04 Added hard. Set previous harder diff to [Lunatic].
09/08 Fixed/changed somethings in normal, hard and lunatic. (own decisions)
09/08 Followed Bassmaster's spacing fixes on [Hard]
09/09 (lolwut) Followed xxheroxx's suggestions (slider shape, [Normal])
09/22 Followed Gabi's advice
09/22 Followed Larto's advices
09/26 Followed peppy's advices
09/28 Thanks to kino77 let me see there was a small spacing error on normal.
10/2 Modified Lunatic.
10/11 Followed Sushi971's advices on easy&normal. <3
10/16 Followed jamesleao's advice on normal.
10/17 Changed normal to get it way easier (under lots of people's request, principally under Gens's advice.)
10/17 Followed JarJarJacob's advices on normal's new combo.
xXxGAM3RPROxXx is in the lead! (2 months ago)
Score 74,899 (98.25%)
Max Combo 64
300 / 100 / 50 37 / 1 / 0
Misses 0
Geki (Elite Beat!) 8
Katu (Beat!) 1

Top 50 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 SH 74,899 98.25% xXxGAM3RPROxXx 64 22 37 / 1 / 0 8 1 0 NCFL
#2 XH 74,855 100.0% Patchouli 64 43 38 / 0 / 0 9 0 0 HDHRDTPF
#3 X 65,115 100.0% iamxjaydenYT 64 29 38 / 0 / 0 9 0 0 SDDT
#4 S 63,468 98.25% electfried 64 8 37 / 1 / 0 8 1 0 None
#5 S 63,078 96.49% ais 63 7 36 / 2 / 0 8 1 0 None
#6 X 61,536 100.0% Satori 64 10 38 / 0 / 0 9 0 0 None
#7 S 58,364 98.25% zverhome 64 8 37 / 1 / 0 8 1 0 None
#8 B 53,175 88.6% Vaxei 56 14 32 / 5 / 0 5 3 1 HDHRDT
#9 B 50,637 88.16% villin 50 9 32 / 4 / 1 6 1 1 DT
#10 S 39,050 98.25% PMK335 33 6 37 / 1 / 0 8 1 0 None