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Beatmap Listing » Susumu Hirasawa - Amor Buffer

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Artist: Susumu Hirasawa Circle Size:
Approach Rate
Title: Amor Buffer HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator: Real1 Accuracy:
Length: 1:26
Source: Genre: Electronic (Instrumental) BPM: 125
Dec 27, 2009
Feb 19, 2010
Average Rating: 8.7143 Favourited 0 times in total
Welcome to my 17th beatmap. It also happens to be my fifth Susumu Hirasawa map.
This is one of his older songs. It's from the 1990 album "The Ghost in Science" and contains no lyrics.

A crazy awesome EXTREMELY hard difficulty by Starrodkirby86 is included. Like always. :D
Thanks to Larto for his warning in KIRBY Mix!

Have fun!

Edit #1: Gens fixes. Offset: 1570. Thankies.
Edit #2: BananasGoMoo. Moo!
Edit #3: James2250 changes! Arigato.
Edit #4: Agreeing to lower overall and hp drain in Normal+. Thanks to Lizbeth.
Edit #5: Kmix update.
Edit #6: I Breezed through Breeze's moddings.
Edit #7: Some bonus Gens fixes. Stupid gay unsnapped notes.. FFFF
Edit #8: Minimal changes by Xgor. This map clearly needs no more modding. It needs more ranking!
Edit #9: 500 BPM warning added on Kirby Mix
Edit #10: A better-looking warning made by larto added
Edit #11: osuplayer111 super mini offset fix!
CA Flag TurfTuckTurkey is in the lead! (9 months ago)
Score 1,290,820 (97.14%) Grade S
Max Combo 279
300 / 100 / 50 156 / 7 / 0
Misses 0
Geki (Elite Beat!) 39
Katu (Beat!) 5
Mods DT

Top 100 Scoreboard

Rank Score Accuracy Player Max Combo PP 300 / 100 / 50 Geki Katu Misses Mods
#1 Grade S 1,290,820 97.14% CA Flag TurfTuckTurkey 279 40 156 / 7 / 0 39 5 0 DT
#2 Grade S 1,168,216 98.36% US Flag sparkling 279 18 159 / 4 / 0 40 4 0 None